Inspired Conversation
with Linda Joy Podcast

Season Two: Inspired Living Secrets Teleseminar 

AIR DATE:  June 4, 2012

Join me for Season Two of Inspired Living Teleseminar Series dedicated to bringing you some   of today’s leading luminaries in the fields of personal and spiritual development, natural health, conscious parenting and success principles.

I am excited to bring you 24 female luminaries, teachers & guides who are joining me for this powerful and FREE 12 week series including Marci Shimoff, Kristine Carlson, Crystal Andrus and more. Each of these women are passionately dedicated to bringing you the tips, tools and the resources to living life life full out!

Each of us …including me… has been stuck, lost or confused at one time in our lives. We’ve all searched for the answers in relation to our health, happiness, abundance, relationships or spirituality. My greatest awakening was the day I realized that I didn’t have to do it alone and that the Universe provides us all with an abundance of teachers and guides who have already walked the path, experienced the lessons and are dedicated to sharing their secrets, wisdom and transformational tools with others. The collective intention for the Inspired Living Secrets series is to inspire, empower and invite you to live full out and your registration includes all the resources to assist you in your journey.                   

READY TO LIVE FULL OUT! REGISTER NOW for this free interview series and bonus gifts!