Inspired Conversation
with Linda Joy Podcast

Befriending Your Money Fears with Mary Jo Rathgeb 

AIR DATE:  February 19, 2024

Befriending Your Money Fears with Mary Jo Rathgeb


Show Notes: 
Are your shadow emotions blocking your abundance? The secret to abundance and prosperity isn't about how you handle your money, it's about how you handle your emotions about money. Money often generates fear and other shadow emotions, such as worry, guilt, shame, anxiety, and more. Once you learn to how to befriend these uncomfortable emotions, your relationship to money changes for the better and so do your choices around it.

About the Guest:  
As a Life Transitions Coach, Professional Certified Coach, Certified RIM Facilitator, iPEC Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, and Human Design Consultant, Mary Jo Rathgeb intuitively and compassionately supports women to shine a light on their shadow emotions so they can reclaim the energy and wisdom contained within.
This sacred work frees women to be who they really are and not someone they think they are supposed to be and empowers them to live a life that aligns with their deepest truth.
As the founder of Creative Directions for Living, LLC., Mary Jo holds space for, and expertly guides, women who are ready to release people-pleasing and perfectionism so they can create a life that aligns with their authentic self.
Mary Jo has a BA in English Literature and an MS in Grief and Loss Counseling. Inspired by Joseph Campbell’s framework of the Hero’s Journey and Erik Erickson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development, Mary Jo believes it is never too late to let go of habits you have outgrown, reclaim your mojo, and evolve into the next version of yourself.
Download your supportive free guide, 5 Reasons to Befriend Your Shadow Emotions.
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