Inspired Conversation
with Linda Joy Podcast

5 Powerful Benefits to (Re)Connecting with Your Authentic Mission 

AIR DATE:  April 10, 2012

I’ve been asked numerous times over the years about my thoughts on the term “Authentic Mission” and if I believe that everyone is meant to be in business in order to serve the world through their authentic mission and unique purpose.

My answer is a great big “NO”!

You do not need to be in business to serve your authentic mission or Divine purpose. I have met the most amazing, loving, compassionate women who are stay at home moms and are truly living their purpose. I’ve met grocery store clerks who have touched me deeply because they are so in touch with their joy and their passion that it radiates outward and you can feel their truth. They are living their authentic mission!

Living your mission is when your inner and outer worlds are congruent.To clarify your mission is not the LABEL you use in the world (teacher, coach, taxi driver, best-selling author etc.) it is the essence of you are at your core when you are in alignment with your Source of connection, joy and presence. Be sure to check out some of my other blog posts where I go much deeper into authenticity, mission and purpose. Today I want to share the 5 powerful benefits to (re)connecting with your authentic mission.

1.    Fuel for the Fire –  When you connect with your authentic mission it’s as if life goes from a black and white movie to high- definition full color vibrancy. You become a passionate co-creator of your life and your passion becomes the fuel that feeds your every action and leads you to a fuller, richer life and thriving business.

2.    Tuned In  –  Once you have discovered or (re)connected with the passion that fuels you it’s as if you become finely tuned to the Universal Radio Station – or universal life flow. You will notice an increase in your ability to focus when you begin basing all your decisions from the place of fulfilling that passion and mission.

3.    Increased Synchronicities The more you tune into the Universal flow the more you will begin to notice an increase in Divine synchro-nicities and opportunities coming into your life and your business. You begin naturally attracting like-minded people who are tuned into the same Universal Radio Station and who are in perfect alignment with your mission.

4.    Inner Wisdom – As you dedicate yourself to learning to trust, express and take action on the Divine messages, synchronicities and opportunities you are strengthening your inner wisdom muscles. You develop a much stronger sense of faith and belief in yourself and the Universal stream of support that surrounds you.

5.    Joy – When you shift from just existing or allowing life to happen to you and commit to a life where you honor, trust and listen to your Inner Wisdom a beautiful energetic begins. As you step more and more into your authentic mission, you will experience a sense of inner joy and gratitude that becomes the essence of who you are –no matter what is happening in your outside world.  A deep sense of peace and joy begins to permeate all aspects of your being and your life – bringing even more synchronistic opportunities.


I invite you to share your  thoughts on the above or share a personal experience you’ve had on your journey to reconnecting with your authentic self.