Inspired Conversation
with Linda Joy Podcast

Authenticity in Business 

AIR DATE:  April 11, 2012

“Authenticity is enjoying a new sense of freedom to be who you really are
– yourself, natural and without a mask.”
Mike Robbins

When I speak and write about creating an authentic business I speak of a business that is in alignment with and reflects the mission, values and personality of YOU – the business owner. It is bringing who you are at your core – your values, beliefs, passions and unique gifts – to life and to your business and sharing them in a way that resonates with your truth. We are not meant to fit into cookie-cutter business or marketing molds that smother the essence of who we are.

You are meant to serve and connect with your audience and clients in a way that only you can – by being authentically you and allowing your business, products and services to reflect that. In today’s post I want to cover one of the numerous traps that many of us conscious entrepreneurs get caught in that can cause you to lose the connection with your authentic mission.

As solopreneurs we get so caught up in the busyness of ‘doing’ our business that over time we lose our connection with the inner wisdom and voice that gave us our business vision and inspired us to follow our passion.  We get caught up in the do, do, doing of business that we stop putting precious time aside each day to stay connected to our Source of wisdom and guidance. As time goes on we become disconnected, disillusioned and become disconnected not only from our business vision but from our authentic selves.

Authenticity in Business holds the Key to Success

I believe that Authenticity is a universal principle that exists whether you acknowledge its existence or not. You see it in action all around you. Watch some children playing together – authenticity in action. I’m sure you’ve witnessed business owners, coaches and consultants with businesses that seem to grow without struggle and wonder how they are doing it.

There are no secret marketing tools that they used to attract that success – not success that lasts anyway!  Each of us has access to the same marketing tools and formulas that they may have used. So, you wonder, what could it be that sets successful conscious entrepreneurs apart?  The answer is that they have brought their authentic selves to their business and remain tuned into the Source of their wisdom and guidance. They find time each day to step away from ‘doing’ the business and concentrate on ‘being’ the business by allowing their unique, authentic voice and vision to come through.

When you are connected to your authentic mission you are connected to the Source that fuels your soul, giving you the energetic drive and spark to move forward with ease and grace.  You’ve experienced it!  Those moments when you are truly creative and lose track of time and things just flow- you’re connected. Those moments when all the doors to amazing opportunities continue to open – you are connected.  I call it ‘being in the divine flow” but whatever you may call it you’ll know it when you’re in it.

Here is a partial list of insights and feelings that clients, mastermind partners and fellow entrepreneurs have shared with me to describe their feelings of being fully connected to their authentic mission

  • Being in the Divine Flow                        Everything flows with ease
  • Synchronicities abound                         Living her Truth
  • Found her sweet spot                                  Excited about her work
  • Attracts like-minded entrepreneurs         Partnership opportunities open up
  • Everything feels effortless                    Feels connected to her true purpose
  • Feels much more Optimistic                Feels more tuned into her truth

If you’re ready to experience those same feelings take time today and everyday to reconnect with your Source of inspiration. You already have all the answers you need to guide you in business and life once you turn inward. It is not possible to connect with your authentic mission when looking outward.


Post your thoughts or share your feelings on how YOU feel when you are connected to your authentic mission. I love to hear from conscious entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants who are living and thriving authentically.